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Solar Panels

Looking to lower your energy bills or make your home greener? Solar panels are a fantastic choice. 1.5 million homes in the UK are currently using solar power. The government offers grants to homes in York to cover the cost of installation. Our team can help you access grants and finance, so you can enjoy the benefits of solar energy.

Solar panels help you save money on utility bills and lower your emissions. If you live in a two or three-bedroom home, you could save £16,500 in 25 years. Our friendly advisors will help you find the perfect solar solution for your home. They can also help you get it installed.

(Data based on the national average household energy consumption, February 2024)

Are solar panels right for your home?

Lower your bills and save money

Join the growing community of solar-powered homes

Earn money from surplus energy

We recommend these types of Solar Panels for homes in York:


Most homes in York are great for air source heat pumps.

These pumps take heat from the air and transfer it to your water and radiators.

The hot water then goes around the house to heat taps and radiators.

Air Source Heat Pump explained


Solar panels explained

This electricity can power your home right away. Use it to charge your phone or run a nice hot bath!

You can also save it for later. If your panels make more energy than you use, you can sell it back to the grid and earn money.

Solar panels sit on your roof to soak up the sunlight. When sunlight hits the panels, it creates electricity.

What do solar panels look like and where will they fit in your house:

Solar panels are flat and either dark blue or black. They’re made from silicon, glass and aluminium. Panels are usually one and a half meters long and one meter wide. This means a two-bedroom terraced house might have around eight panels on the roof.

Solar Panels on Roof

Solar panels are installed on your roof because they generate electricity from the sun. A south-facing roof is an ideal location, but they can also work on west or east-facing roofs. Wires will neatly connect the panels to your home’s electricity.

Installing Solar Panels

More information

  • The cost to install solar panels can vary based on a few factors:

    • The size of your home.

    • The size of your solar panels.

    • Whether it’s a new build or existing home.

    • If you need any additional equipment, like a solar battery.

    The cost of installing solar panels ranges from £2,500 to £13,000 depending on these factors. For example, a three-bedroom semi-detached home in York would cost around £5000-£6000.


    (Based on July 2024 costs).

  • Savings
    Two-bedroom terraced
    Three-bedroom semi-detached
    Three-bedroom semi-detached
    Savings in one year
    Savings in 25 years
    How long until you see these savings?
    Nine years
    Eight years
    Ten years

    The running costs of solar panels will depend on how much energy you use and the system you are replacing. Here’s how much money you could save with solar panels:

  • Average installation time:

    2 days

  • Solar panels create emissions when they are made. This is quickly cancelled out once they’re installed and you start using them. Solar power has much lower emissions overall than coal or natural gas. Around 20 times lower than coal and 12 times lower than natural gas. Once set up, solar panels play an important role in lowering your carbon footprint.

Find out about financial support to make your home better.

Most homes in York don't need planning permission.

Check to see if you are eligible for a solar grant from the government.



Running your solar panel cost-effectively

Solar panels are a great way to power your home and they can work even better when paired with other measures.

SMART and Solar Panels

Find out how you can maximise efficiency and savings.

Solar and Insulation

Find out how to power your home affordably and efficiently with solar and insulation.

Solar and heat Pumps

Discover why solar and heat pumps are the perfect match.


  • Solar panels are ideal for most homes in York with a south, west or east-facing roof. You can’t use solar panels if you have a north-facing roof. You may need planning permission if you have a listed property. 

  • Solar panels sit on your roof and soak up the sunlight, turning it into electricity for your home. These panels have cells made of a material called silicon, which absorbs sunlight. When sunlight hits these cells, it creates an electric current. This electricity can then power your lights, appliances, and much more. If your panels produce more electricity than you use, it goes back to the grid and can earn you money.

  • Our advisors can make sure your solar panels run efficiently by conducting a home assessment. This includes checking the condition of your roof, how much sunlight would hit your panels, and your current electrical setup. By fixing any issues, you can improve your solar panel’s performance and save more money.

Lower your bills and save money

Join the growing community of solar-powered homes

Earn money from surplus energy

Darren, 35, York

I have future proofed our family home and
it has paid for itself in
under two years

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